2022 Nissan Pathfinder in Russia costs $150,000!

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2022 Nissan Pathfinder in Russia costs $150,000!

Postby palmerwmd » Fri May 27, 2022 8:49 pm

Ordinary Russian guy goes to different car dealerships to check out car prices after sanctions.

Pathfinder is at 13:29:


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Re: 2022 Nissan Pathfinder in Russia costs $150,000!

Postby VStar650CL » Sat May 28, 2022 9:12 am

Give it a few years. On the current trajectory, it won't be long before they're $150K here too. :cry:

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Re: 2022 Nissan Pathfinder in Russia costs $150,000!

Postby palmerwmd » Sat May 28, 2022 10:29 am

When you think about it, makes sense though.

Its a nice loaded to the gills one that that might be 50k normally.
With sanctions the dealership may not get resupplied for years.

So charging 3 times the prices for the inventory they received before sanctions makes perfect sense.
it may be years until they get resupplied and so in this new dystopian reality for them the car really is worth that much.

If the Russians did not have oil they would be really screwed.

it might be an interesting study of Russia how long they will be able to maintain an industrialized society under sanctions.
My guess is along time since they have plenty energy and food.
transportation items like cars that have been imported over the past couple decades should last a while too even in their extreme climate.

I dont think the Russians make any more cars do they?
Except maybe that Chevrolet factory in Kaliningrad/ East Prussia exclave.

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Re: 2022 Nissan Pathfinder in Russia costs $150,000!

Postby VStar650CL » Sat May 28, 2022 12:07 pm

I'm pretty sure Lada is still around, and I think some others. Kind of weird, though. Over there a car is $150K and gas is probably $0.08 a liter. :shock:

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