HELP!! Used valve body/tcm no throttle response

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HELP!! Used valve body/tcm no throttle response

Postby Racermom44442 » Wed Nov 07, 2018 12:13 am

It's a 2009 pathfinder s v6 4x4 , it had coolant contamination it kept blowing the at/ecu fuse and would go into limp mode then not start until I put a new fuse in, so we completed the radiator bypass, flushed trans, installed a used valve body & tcm (off eBay from a reputable seller) with all solenoids (was told it didn't need to be reprogrammed) it starts shifts between gears ( only coasts forward in drive and coasts backward in reverse) but when I step on the gas it only fluctuates between 1500-1800 rpms flat to the floor. (*then I purchased another used valvebody/tcm from another seller and it did the same exact thing no acceleration. I've changed the pedal position sensor- that did not fix it, I've done the relearn process -that didn't work either. The only issue is it doesn't accelerate at all, it only coasts with barely any throttle response. I had it towed to my local Nissan dealer and "they said since I installed used parts the reprogram didnt work and they'd need to install a new blank tcm for $1600 , feeling like they gave me the run around I just had it towed back to my house.. please any help is greatly appreciated I love my pf and need it driveable! -ahhhhhhhh

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2006 Armada

Postby Garyca » Fri Nov 23, 2018 6:56 pm

Hello did you fix your issue? My oil leaked out the cooler and now my TCM is fried . Please help

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Postby TheHawk! » Fri Nov 30, 2018 2:57 pm

You need to have somebody hook a scan told to it and pool all DTC‘s from every control module if you have a chance communication code and the TCM is not communicating with the other control modules then yes it may be a TCM fault but doubt it if you’ve already put two in although the programming is very specific for the TCM operation and communication between The other control modules as the TCM programming is different between federal and California missions ABSVTCTCS US Mexico etc. etc. but if you have a P 2122 2123 DTC‘s like that with a description of APP circuit I would lean toward one of the sensors taken down the 50 reference as the APPTPS AC pressure sensor eve app pressure sensor and likely a couple of other sensors all use the same 5 V from the ECM so most of the time the AC pressure sensor or short internally and take down the five all reference so even with the simple DV OEM you can back pro at the throttle chamber and see if you have 5 V and then also here’s a PP signal wires should be very has the APP is depressed from approximately .6 .8 V to 4.2 4.6 V Butt The main thing you need to do is pull all control module DTC’s and check and see if the TCM loads when you do All DTC diagnostics. If you need a scan tool send me a PM as I rent tools as well as sell one of the best bang for your buck scan tools on the market

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Re: HELP!! Used valve body/tcm no throttle response

Postby 06m35xproject » Sun Feb 02, 2025 2:19 pm

I hope you see this and respond lol. Iknow it's 7 years old but I'm having the same problem. Replaced my tcm and everything seems fine other than. No throttle response. Will only coast in d and reverse. What was the solution to this.

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Re: HELP!! Used valve body/tcm no throttle response

Postby VStar650CL » Sun Feb 02, 2025 4:17 pm

Since the truck will start it means the TCM is alive, on R51's the PNP Relay for the starter is driven by it. If you don't have a lit MIL, it also means the TCM is communicating, because you'd have U1000's all over the place if the TCM was incommunicado. If you had a genuine milkshake and not just pink fluid, there's a good chance your front pump is trashed and the transmission just doesn't have pressure. Those pumps don't last long with water for lubrication. Your best bet is to get a good scan on it, if it's down on pressure then there should be a bunch of P07xx and P17xx codes in the TCM.

That said, if you just put in a new TCM and not a used one, they don't come pre-programmed anymore. They won't do anything when they're blank, although they'll usually move stuck in 3rd.

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