Would you buy a 2016 pathfinder with 160k miles?

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Would you buy a 2016 pathfinder with 160k miles?

Postby K50 » Sat Feb 23, 2019 5:43 am

Sorry for double posting, I posted similar post in the general section. I was looking at a 2011 pathfinder with 85k and then found a 2016 with 160k. So 160 over 3 years tells me the miles are mostly highway. Would you consider buying a car with such high miles? Both the 2011 and 2016 are about the same price.


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Postby palmerwmd » Sat Feb 23, 2019 6:21 am

I also answered on the other one :)

160k miles do not bother me if its in that short a time.
Hiway miles are so much easier on a car vs in-town miles..

I recently bought a 130k Xterra I am very happy with (very similar in many ways to last gen pathy except shorter).

Condition matters of course.
Any maintenance records?

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Postby Grumpah » Sat Feb 23, 2019 9:54 am

First, you need to realize that the 2011 and 2016 are two very different vehicles, so a lot depends what you are expecting out of it.

The 2011 is a true SUV and will accommodate you well if you plan to do a bit of off-roading and plan on using it's towing capabilities extensively. In other words, to treat it like a "truck"

The 2016 is a "crossover" which means it's construction and suspension is more like that of a car with a cushier suspension that sags badly if you plan on towing anything heavy. It's a wonderful vehicle and ticks a lot of boxes for people, but not those who are expecting to own a truck.

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Postby smj999smj » Sat Feb 23, 2019 12:22 pm

Worst thing about the R52 is the CVT transmission. Nissan continues to use CVT's despite having a lot of problems with them in reliability and function. The transmission in the R51 is really good as long as it's no contaminated with engine coolant due to a failed radiator cooler. I would take the R51 over the R52.

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