The Price of Gas

Any topics related to 2005-2012 R51

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Re: The Price of Gas

Postby VStar650CL » Fri May 03, 2024 11:05 am

AS_The_Crow_Flys wrote:
Fri May 03, 2024 10:12 am
It was 5.50 the other day at a costco here in silicon valley. a full tank of regular in the pathfinder is 100$. Not fun. It seems CA gas is always 1-2$ more than the rest of the country because... all the taxes and the regulations against refineries and gas. My understanding is that CA is a captured market. You basically cannot import fuel into CA in its ready state so it all has to be refined here which results in higher prices.
I know. Which is exactly why I suggested the OP ditch communism. You too. :P

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Re: The Price of Gas

Postby AS_The_Crow_Flys » Fri May 03, 2024 11:46 am

Its on my mind but we are somewhat captured because I am only a member of the bar in CA, the wife's family lives here and my family is nearby as well.

Quality of life in CA has suffered a lot in the last 15 years though.

Costs are so high that even being an attorney the wife still has to work fulltime (primarily for the medical coverage) and then the kids have to go to daycare which is $4500+ a month for 3 kids (1, 4, and 7) and that is for some of the cheaper options around (well the licensed cheaper options).

Crime is rampant anywhere near stores and downtown - meanwhile very few are able to take any actions to protect themselves and the options for said protection are limited so much that they are on a list (you know the one). Meanwhile they tell you that you have a duty to retreat ... yeah "hold on let me grab my three children and run away, can I get you a sandwich, maybe some extra cash for some drugs"...

Taxes are ridiculously high. Gery brown at least had more fiscal sense. Newsome is a two-faced tyrant who cannot even balance the books, not even close.

I have more complaints,... but I should stop.

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Re: The Price of Gas

Postby VStar650CL » Fri May 03, 2024 1:00 pm

AS_The_Crow_Flys wrote:
Fri May 03, 2024 11:46 am
I have more complaints,... but I should stop.
I guess I don't need to tell you this is what happens when you have a one-party politburo instead of a two-party legislature.

Now I should stop, the NSA is probably listening. :!:

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