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New to the Pathfinder and the Forum

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 3:41 pm
by LifeCareEMT
Heya All.
Just chiming in as a probie to the forum. About to take delivery of My (new to Me 94 XE being shipped from South Carolina to Ohio as I post). Although I am not new to most vehicles as I have owned everything from an AMC to a Zephyr.....the Pathfinder is new to Me. My last (and only until now) Nissan was a '89 Sentra which was a very dependable vehicle. Being a longtime service parts specialist and parts dept. manager for multiple manufacturers both foreign and domestic, I still know My limitations :) So please bear with Me as I may ask some "silly questions". Looking forward to settin' My butt in the seat and having fun with it. 8)

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 5:35 am