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Filling the Pathy from gas cans.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:42 pm
by Rogue9
I know you americans probably never do this, but up here in Vancouver, Canada gas is getting so expensive I cross the border weekly to Point Roberts for gas and bring 2-25L cans with me. (Use roughly 70L per week, I rotate through 4 cans so I go for gas 2-3 times a month)
I'm saving 25-30cents a liter, more if I go to Bellingham Costco.

Anyway, I'm getting really tired of hefting the gas cans to fill the tank. Does anyone know of a small, reasonably priced pump I can fit to a gas can to at least pump most of the fuel out before having to heft it?
So far the only thing I can think of is making a stand taller than the fuel door and siphon it. which is a cumbersome idea really.

Thanks for any input.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 9:18 am
by bakerbaker
Find a milk crate to set the gas can on. And then buy a electric kerosene pump that runs on D battery's. They are like 5-10 bucks. Should be in Walmart near the kerosene heaters. You may need to look in a hardware store because the heaters are seasonal at walmart.