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Clicking when turning steering wheel

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2017 9:12 pm
by smj999smj
I got the chance to drive my '08 Pathy SE 4x4 (220,000 miles) tonight and noticed a "clicking" noise when turning the steering wheel in either direction, moving or parked. It sounds like it's at the upper part of the column. There's no play in the steering wheel up and down, like is typical with those that have had bearings fail and needed the upper steering column assembly replaced. I still have to look it over and I'm expecting maybe one of the steering column joints may be binding or perhaps the upper column bearing is just starting to show signs of failure. Of course, I'll take a look at the suspension components, but this really sounds like upper steering column.
I'm just checking to see if anyone else has had a similar problem and been able to fix it? It might cut down on my diagnostic time! BTW, vehicle is 100% stock.

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2017 9:44 pm
by SETI20
I have it too, and it drives me insane at times. On another vehicle I had, it turned out to be the contacts for the indicator stalk, but the Pathfinder wheel is significantly more work to take off and experiment with.