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Need HELP with timing chain variable sprocket!

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 7:56 am
by daytona675
Hey folks, I just accidentally took apart one of the VVT sprockets while removing the secondary chains/tensioners. now I have a bunch of tiny spring plates and tiny 'keystocks'. Has anyone ever dissasembled/reassembled one? Please reply to [email protected] as I will get that quicker. thanks!!! (yes, I feel like a dumba**)

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 6:43 am
by daytona675
Reassembled, and it still functioned! timing chains complete!!! Thanks to Ben (engine/drivetrain tech) at my local Nissan dealer for the info!

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 7:05 am
by disallow
Good work. Sorry I didn't have anything to contribute other than to say that I HATE stupid parts with stupid springs in them. :) Can never get them back together, so good on you for getting it done!

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 12:18 pm
by daytona675
FYI to anyone with a VQ40, (according to Ben, the tech who helped me) those VVT sprockets on the intake cams can fail due to lack of maintenance. (seems more common on other Nissan engines, but they are all similar in design) They can sludge up, and give a intake timing code. all the little pieces inside allow the innards of the sprocket gear to rotate about 15-20 degrees to advance/retard the timing on demand. This is accomplished with oil pressure from the little oil valve solenoids on top of the heads at the front (just behind the bulges of the timing cover on both sides) So anyone trying to squeak as many miles out of an oil change as you can...Don't! Don't be cheap on something like an oil change because those sprockets are expensive! And even full synthetic oils are made mostly from dead dinosaurs! The organic compounds WILL break down over time. After seeing all the tiny oil passages inside my motor, I will remain faithful to my every 3-4k mile oil changes