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Where can I get poly body mounts?

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 10:00 am
by underworld1001
As the subject implies, I'm looking for poly body mounts. Been reading stories of people replacing their worn out ones with OEM only to have them fail a few months later. I'm sure some of it is due to user error. In the computer world, we refer to this as PEBCAK (Problem Exists Between the Chair and Keyboard) :D

Anyhow, in order to avoid having to do this over again due a bad install, I'd like to know where I can get some poly mounts? I've seen them for the Frontier and Xterra, but not sure if they'd fit, at least the rear mounts.

If anyone could guide me in the direction of where to get some or some info it would be appreciated. As a thanks in advance, here's a Pathfinder video -

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 7:27 pm
by underworld1001
Ok, didn't get any responses so did a crap load of searching again and came up short. I decided to just order 1 universal one from Energy Suspension off of Amazon and see how it fits.

Detailed listing -

If it doesn't fit, I'll return them. If they do, then I'll pick up some more. Only ones I found were here -- ... -lift.html, but I didn't want the lift, just stock height.

Should be here Saturday, hopefully early so I can give it a go and update this thread.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 12:31 am
by weaver
A trick I've used on Jeep mounts is to use a band saw with a fine tooth blade, slow speed and patience to avoid over heating and deforming mount to cut it to the height needed. One would think those would be an easy part to find, but so often the easy things turn into rabbit holes :D I can't say where to find em. Sorry for late reply Love the user error code :lol: