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TPS wierdness

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 7:28 am
by AZRoushStang
Okay so I had some "fun" with the TPS this weekend. The wife and I went up to the mountains in Cloudcroft, NM to see her folks new cabin. Well on day 3 the TPS sensor goes off...So I hop out and check the air pressure...sure enough everything is at 35psi???? What the heck??? So we drive around a little, but don't stray too far as it was starting to snow pretty heavy and I didn't know what to think....So on Monday we leave, I check the pressure cold and it is at 32psi, so I bounce it up to 35. Drive for like 5.5 hours and it finally all of a sudden decides to turn off...what the heck???

So I have no idea what is going on. I'm not sure if it got some dirt and grime on the sensor reader that was causing it to read incorrectly, or if the 9000 ft. was messing with the TPS...

Anyone have anything similar happen?

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 9:25 am
by RacerZX had me thinking Throttle Position Sensor. TPMS, I had it wonk out on me too on a trip to Lake Tahoe. However, since it was really darn cold, one of the tires did fall down to the high 20's of PSI, so I thought it was just my bad. Maybe it just doesn't like working in extremely cold weather? Is there a sensor in the spare tire and maybe it was low?

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 9:41 am
by boogyman
It does seem to be sensitive. The wifes came on during a cold spell and it was only down to 32. That is if my memory serves me right. I let it stay on for a week or two. Then I finally got around to checking and upping the pressure. It went away on the way to work the next day. So it does it's job if a little too well at times.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 1:05 pm
by trance34
boogyman wrote:It does seem to be sensitive. The wifes came on during a cold spell and it was only down to 32. That is if my memory serves me right. I let it stay on for a week or two. Then I finally got around to checking and upping the pressure. It went away on the way to work the next day. So it does it's job if a little too well at times.
Same thing for me. It was in the single digits here and it turned on. All tires were 32-35psi. Bumped them all to 35 and it still stayed on for a few days. Then one morning it was gone. Kinda like magic, but not! ;)

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 7:59 am
Remember the spare tire also has a sensor if its a tad low ... mine came on the other day ... one tire was at 30 lbs , set it back to 34 and all is fine ....

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 8:03 am
by trance34
NAKA24DE wrote:Remember the spare tire also has a sensor if its a tad low ... mine came on the other day ... one tire was at 30 lbs , set it back to 34 and all is fine ....
Did not think about that. I will have to remember this in the future.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 8:11 am
by amr40509
Ok -- time for someone to edjumacate this slow learning Kentucky boy.

On the spare tire -- how does the senor work. I had mine lowered down last week when I was working on the truck and didn't see any way it could be 'connected' to the truck. I would assume there would have to be some wired/contact for the sensor to work, right?

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 8:28 am
by RacerZX
Nope, it's all battery powered wireless.

And BTW, GF and I are heading to Lake Tahoe for the weekend, so I'll make sure all 5 tires are pumped up to spec and see if the TPMS freaks out with the frosty nights in the 20s.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 4:50 am
by amr40509
Battery powered wireless... so what is battery life like?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 12:50 pm
amr40509 wrote:Battery powered wireless... so what is battery life like?
My dad does tires, and from what he says , its rare that he has seen battery failures , he had done them , but its rare ...


Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 10:26 pm
by Tillyboat
Up north here it gets very cold and I noticed that it gets very sensitive the colder it gets. This past winter, when it has gotten down to it's coldest, a pressure loss of 3-4psi would set the light on. After it was back up to 35, it shut off immediately. In the summer time, it would be opposite, dropping to the mid 20's before the light came on. I did have a slow leak in the summer time.

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 9:07 pm
by RacerZX
TPMS worked fine for me in Tahoe this past weekend, though it wasn't THAT cold, just high 20s at night.

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 3:32 am
by amr40509
Reminder -- Keep an eye on that tire pressure now that temps are getting warmer again.

Checked mine last night, it's gone from days in the 30's to days in the 80's over a few day period. I was at 43-44psi all around from the temp change (took them back to 37psi).

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 1:31 pm
Hmm, after doing some reading , I am not sure if the spare has the sensor .... Most cars I see with sensors have one in the spare , and my dad said most he has seen they have to be sure to air check the spare also , but in reading , Nissan states they dont have them in the spare ... But I do know its ILLEGAL for a Tire store to remove the sensors or install any tire wheel combo that doesnt have sensors on a vehicle that has sensors .... So then would it be illegal for a tire store to put your spare on ??? Hmm, ill have to look into it more ....

Courious to what my stuuded snows are gona do when I put them on without sensors .... Hopefully just the light will come on ...

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 7:35 am
by jerry6
i've been running my studded snows for 10,000 km now and only the light goes on . nothing else has happened