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Ticking, rubbing or scraping when car slows down

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 9:13 am
by allisojh
I can't really give a good description of the actual sound other than its rhythmic and sounds like something is contacting something else when the vehicle is slowing down under 10mph. It also sounds like its under the car under the engine or by one of the front wheels. Its tough to pinpoint it as I got to have my head sticking out of the window and be coasting.

I can only hear it when the car is slowing down.
It only happens with the vehicle is under 10mph.

Its not real loud but the more I hear it, the more it agonizing and I can't think of anything it could be except maybe the breaks but... it doesn't happen when I press on the breaks, I can be coasting, in gear or in neutral and it happens only when the vehicle is below 10mph.

It never happens when accelerating.

Any ideas????

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 10:13 am
by deermjd
Is it a metallic sound or more of a dull thump? What year Pathfinder? I would first check the brakes and wheel bearings then go from there.

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 5:26 am
by allisojh
I can't really tell. Sounds almost like a stone in the tires but there is no stone and it only makes a sound when I am coasting under 5 mph.

its a 2006 SE 4x4

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 6:36 am
by Taavi
Is it something similar to this?