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so impressed

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 3:30 pm
by patomwazi
ever so often i go out to the big sand(desert) and the wadi(rocky dried out river bed) with this fat black gal....and she impresses me every single time...yes the back end seems to have a mind of its own ..yes articulation is an issue esp with wadi bashing...but from experience...or rather little of long as you are in the right gear, speed and many other variables...yes even in auto....she somehow pulls it through without leaving her bits behind...yes sus can be abit on the softer side and plastic abit closer to terra firma...but a change of shock and spring to slightly more aggressive 2'' lift and does make a difference even on the pavement...doesnt bottom out as easy...less body roll, less brake dive, less torsional twist, less loss of traction on the bumpy bits...that being said...she is down right heavy...and this thing about the plastic getting in the way...mmmmhhh....i beg to differ...yeah...maybe with experience...not seeing how i will change my Fat Black R51 Nissan Pathfinder for anything else...not just yet...RANT OVER...