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Dads Jeep, new XTerra, and my Pathy

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 6:58 am
by Kestral
So my (not so good driver anymore) crashed his Jeep Liberty It was his fault but all is well no one hurt. So he really wants to buy a new R51 Pathfinder he had his jacket on ready to got to the local Nissan dealer before I burst his bubble and told him they don't make the R51 Pathy anymore. We decided to go and look anyway so we tried a used (09) Pathy but it had 67,000 miles and he felt that was to many miles used frankly I don't he only drives to the corner store and back at his advanced age now and thank god for that! Then he notices a new Nissan XTerra and got excited! It was loaded inc the off road pkg. even with the step bars he had issues getting in and out and that was the real issue so it's out. I must say though I was impressed with this X it drove like a sports car! I loved it it's a shame that Nissan is not going to make them anymore. We are going to look around more he has offered to buy my 2012 Pathy but I don't want to sell. We will see where it goes?

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 7:00 am
by Kestral
Messed up start of above topic should say (my father not so good driver anymore)