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Where are the torsion bars and what tool is needed tighten

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 11:27 pm
by dashkendar
I heard you cAn get a few inches on 1990 pathfinder by tightening the torisOn bars but I don't know where there lOcated at and what size wrench needed to do the job

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 2:02 am
by Simon
Give me a few minutes, I'll find the link pointing to the exact same thing I was looking for ;)

I did the same thing (then got some nice new torsion bars - which made it much better - though much stiffer)

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 2:10 am
by Simon
here you go Dash, I reckon it'll be identical.. (there is another link off of this to another Nissan forum)

But in a nutshell, the torsion bars are underneath, they are about 3 feet or 4 feet long, they end just under the middle of the truck, about the same point as under the drivers and passengers front seats..

You just need a couple of large spanners. You wind them up and then make sure that you roll the vehicle back about one car length then forward again, then check your ride height.. (you should be just a touch lower at the front than at the rear - say 5mm less at the front), measure from the bottom of the sills to the ground on a flat surface.

Once you've got the ride height up to something acceptable then give it a week and re-measure, and you might want to get your wheel alignment checked about 2 or 3 weeks after you've got the ride height set perfectly. ;)

If you have to wind the torsion bars up to maximum then it's time to buy new ones (I can provide a supplier in Australia if you can't find a local one), as worn/sagged torsion bars that have been wound up to full adjustment in order to maintain ride height means that they'll eventually just snap on you, perhaps when driving down the road or hitting a pothole etc.

Hope this all helps.
