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***HELP!*** Fan is rubbing against crank pulley

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 2:11 pm
by jaylafayette1
I'm of the understanding that crank pulleys aren't supposed to be angled slightly upwards??

It just happened all of a sudden this morning: We're driving and the wife and I hear this obnoxiously loud


Going up and down in frequency along with the tach as I gingerly press the accelerator.

This is the wife's daily driver (she's barely put 35,xxx on it in 3 years) and we don't take it off road.

How the duece can a crank pulley shaft bend up like that?? Or is it just loose and I've got to bang 'er back on and tighten the ship up?

Anyone else ever have this problem? My fear is that even driving it to the mechanic's (which is literally 5 min down the street) is going to cause the fan to shatter, splinter, and I'll be replacing belts and a whole lote more.



NOTES: Pathy's front end is to left of photo. Driver's side front tire is to the top. Passenger side front tire to the bottom.

Check out that whack angle between the engine and the crank pulley?! Either that's bunk, or I just never noticed before.

Can anybody give me some pointers/direction? (Aside from ditching my ol' Nissan? *lol*)[/img]

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 6:27 pm
by Melbo
Sounds like your water pump is going out --- Had it happen to my Nissan truck and it got expensive because one of my employees kept driving it.

Got the radiator so we had to replace a bunch of stuff.

Get it to the shop and you will be back in business.


Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 8:01 pm
by smj999smj
A water pump would cause the gap that exists between the crank and the engine nor the angle of the belts as they are in relation to the pulley. The crank pulley has definitely started to walk itself off of the end of the crank. The most common thing is the crank pulley bolt has loosened up and worked it's way out, causing the pulley to start sliding off of the end of the crankshaft. Often this causes the keyway recess in the crank to get damaged. I've also seen the end of the crank break off on some VG30E engines, but this has always occurred on J30 Maximas. I would advise not running the engine any more to prevent any further damage and have the vehicle towed to your mechanic.