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*****Headlight Removal*****

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 10:38 pm
by Jab215
Simple Question, how do u remove the headlight assembly for a 2003 nissan pathfinder?????????? looking for instructions, pics, anything!!!


Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 10:01 am
by jsims907
not sure about the headlight but the corner lens has a peg that sticks into a holder that you can't see (its at the bottom), it requires pulling hard straight out (not at an angle) and it will pop right out. if you remove the bolts on top of the headlights it may be the same thing holding the bottom in... feels like something has it stuck kinda. it just usually needs a good tug straight back to pull the peg out. I know some other cars are this way with the headlights...