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1999.5 Pathfinder Passenger Side Dripping Water

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 3:57 pm
by miamicuse
I rarely have anyone sit on the passenger side of my 1999.5 Pathfinder LE so I don't know how long this has been going on.

Had a passenger sitting there and he said water was dripping down to his foot. Not steady like a faucet but intermittently a drop or two every 10 minutes or so. This was with the AC turned on.

Is this normal? Is this from the AC condensation?

or is there some sort of a leak. I have nothing in the glove compartment that may leak.

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 9:30 pm
by smj999smj
It could be the AC evaporator drain is clogged and the water is the condensation that is filling up inside the case and spilling out. There's a drain hose at the bottom of the firewall on the passenger side. You'll need to get under the vehicle. Compressed air can be used if you have access to it, but if not, a pipe cleaner works well to stick up the drain and unclog it. Be ready for around a quart or two of water to come pouring out all at once!