2008 Death Valley get together

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Postby RacerZX » Thu Apr 03, 2008 7:53 pm

So the first ever meeting in the flesh and the metal of The Nissan Path forum happened in the ghost town of Rhyolite, just in between Beatty NV and the eastern border of Death Valley National Park.


There was Ragpaoa and his wife up from San Diego in their white V8 with roof rack and extra fuel on top. NVSteve in his blue pathie with his friend Paul riding shotgun drove all the way down from Salt Lake City. The local GuinnessJim from Las Vegas with blue truck stuffed to the roof with his friends, one human and 4 of the large canine variety. And my two kids and I, Sera 9 and Mischa 10, in our red '06 SE down from San Jose CA.

The first leg of our journey was Titus Canyon road, a well groomed one way dirt road that twists it's way through a minor mining district and down a very narrow and deep canyon wash into Death Valley.


That's the best shots I've got of the canyon proper, I fubared the settings on my camera so lost a bunch. Anybody have some more better ones?

After exiting Titus Canyon I rotated out of the lead and convinced the others to join me in washing our rear windows so we could finally test and lay to rest the question of if the wing on my truck does anything more than decrease my gas mileage :wink:

We traversed the valley and headed back up into the mountains to the west of DV towards the ghost town of Skidoo, and as you can see from the next shot it sure was dusty when not leading the pack!


This is all that's left of Skidoo, once with a post office and supporting the local gold mines for 10 years it's now just the smallest pile of remenents.


It is however not entirely uninhabited...


We then proceeded to move up the mountain a little more to explore the mines around Skidoo.


After Skidoo we moved down the road a bit to Aguereberry Pt, a spectacular 6433 foot elevation overlook of Death Valley.


Also now having driven about 20 miles off road in the dust, the results were in for the wing, check it out!


As you can see, while both are certainly dusty and dirty, that funky clumping which was happening to one degree or another on all 3 of the other trucks wasn't appearing on my rear window. Success!

As the light was starting to get low in the sky we took a group shot and then headed off to our final destination.


Those are the "Charcoal Kilns" where they used to road charcoal from the scrub pine trees in the area for use in a near by smelter. They are hollow on the inside and perfectly shaped to make the coolest echo chamber =P.


At this point the sun was setting and unfortunately it was time we started going our seperate ways. While NVSteve had dinner waiting for him back at the Furnace Creek camp ground and GuinnessJim had 4 dogs which would devour his interior if left unattended, Ragpaoa and I, after a quick sprint up to the Telescope Peak Trail Head to throw some snowballs with the kids, headed out West to the Panamint Valley and up to the resturant at the Panamint Springs Resort.


Per usual the food was far above par for a little middle-of-nowhere resturant, and their endless beer list continues to be an amazing delight. Ragpaoa said he was heading south to Palm Springs the next day, so we went over cool places to see in the Mojave Desert along the way, hopefully he's got a story or two to share from there. Parting ways one last time Ragpaoa headed East towards his motel in Amargosa, and we headed south towards our beds for the night in Ridgecrest.

The next morning was cold and windy, and while driving back home west on 178 through the Lake Isabella area we had snow of all things and a good amount of rain. We made it home to SJ in record time though, only 6:45 including all our rest stops along the way.


Thanks for coming for all those that came, was great fun to meet everybody in person, check out the various trucks and exercise them a bit. And for all those of you who could have come but didn't, ha! Be jealous of all the cool pictures and come next time! :D
Last edited by RacerZX on Thu Apr 03, 2008 10:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby guinnessjim » Thu Apr 03, 2008 8:33 pm

nice pics carl! but gray truck? :shock: i guess the pathy was pretty dusty and all :(, but it is blue.

i think i have some decent ones from the canyon...hard to get much w/ the walls so close, but i will get something up by the weekend.

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Postby RacerZX » Thu Apr 03, 2008 8:40 pm

Hahahahah, you know I considered that I was totally wrong, but was so sure... :oops: :roll:

So what's the name of the color? It's darker than Steve's....

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Postby guinnessjim » Fri Apr 04, 2008 12:48 am

looking on the nissan site, i think the color is "majestic blue"...but if that is the color of steve's then i don't really know what it is.

regardless, can you elaborate on that beer menu? might have to head back that way one of these weekends....

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Postby boogyman » Fri Apr 04, 2008 5:36 am

Well it's good to know that the wing actually serves a purpose other than creating drag. When I a kid, I always wondered why the wing on the station wagons and trucks we had faced down. Of course I got older and learned what they were for, aerodynamics is cool.

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Postby pdslug » Fri Apr 04, 2008 8:13 am

Great pics. Maybe next time I can make it out!

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Postby NVSteve » Fri Apr 04, 2008 9:16 am

Mine's actually Silverton Blue, which turns into a gray-blue when it's dirty. These are all pretty much the same photos, but at least we won't be short of eye candy.

On the way to Titus Canyon:




One of our mine stops:



Another mine stop. Notice the guy in the foreground: he and his brother Bubba bumped into the front end of Carl's PF as we all watched from a distance. Not a happy sight & I'm pretty sure these guys were extras in Deliverence.



Some shots within Titus Canyon proper:






Made it out of Titus & were waiting on Jim (again):


We drove across the valley & I had to make everyone stop in Stovepipe because I really needed a cold Pepsi at that point. Thanks to ragpaoa's sweetheart of a wife, sandwiches were made for me & my co-pilot. We'd been munching on granola bars and jerky all morning & just couldn't say no to the offer of a sandwich.

First stop in the mountains on the west side of the valley:



Another shot of Wile E:


Yes, it's a hole. A very deep hole.



The white playa in the left background (technically a salt pan), is where Badwater is located:


Last stop at the Charcoal Kilns:


At this point, guinnessjim noticed his PF was relieving itself on the ground:


We're pretty sure his Pathie just had too much green stuff to drink, and since guinnessjim wouldn't pull over to let his Pathie go #1, his poor ride just burst when we arrived at the kilns.

I don't suggest doing this while driving, especially while looking through the viewfinder of a camera. On the way back to Salt Lake:



The worst part of the drive is going across the salt flats just across the state line in Wendover. A perfectly straight line of I-80 for 50 miles, which is really lame if you aren't a flatlander:


Thanks again everyone. Truly a good bunch of guys (and girls & especially kids). As I go every year, I'll start a thread again at the end of this year for a 2009 Death Valley get together. If we can plan it far enough in advance, maybe some of you will be able to stay out there longer. We really didn't see much in the scope of things, which means there are far more future possibilities awaiting us.

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Postby RacerZX » Fri Apr 04, 2008 9:51 am

Particularly excellent shot from Aguelberry Point there Steve, wonderful framing with the rocks. And damn it I totally forgot about that *#$*@ bumping my truck. What a dork, at least he didn't do any damage. Go get a bumper guard people, keep idiots away from your paint!

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Postby NVSteve » Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:08 pm

Just caught a show on the Travel Channel called Top Tens, and the first segment covered Death Valley. For those who want to get more of a glimpse into the place, watch it if you get the chance.

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